The Unity Project (South Yorkshire)

New Beginnings
Brighter Futures

The Unity Project (South Yorkshire) is a highly specialised Alternative Provision for young people who experience difficulties accessing full-time education within a school or college setting.


The provision is staffed by qualified, experienced, SEND teachers and teaching professionals, and we offer quality, bespoke packages to accommodate a wide range of needs.

The Unity Project (South Yorkshire)

What We Offer &
What We Do.

We aim to nurture, engage and educate students who face barriers to learning, including:
  1. Low self-esteem
  2. ADHD
  3. ASD
  4. Anxiety
  5. Attachment issues
  6. Chronic non-attendance
  7. Bereavement
  8. Social and Emotional difficulties
  9. Being in the care of a local authority
    Childhood Trauma (including
    neglect and abuse)

The Unity Project (South Yorkshire) 

Our Ethos

Our ethos is to promote a sense of self-awareness, acceptance and belonging; all built on positive relationships and mutual respect. This united approach means we equip our young people with the skills, confidence and positive experiences that will enable them to pursue their journey through life with aspiration and resilience.


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